Welcome to Strange Hues!
Huetensil releases
Question of Honour releases
Skor releases
An independent recording company.
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Strange Hues News
12/13/20 - As promised, we've added more songs to our new audio player. Now all of our artists are featured including Skor! Check them out.
12/8/20 - We've just launched a new audio player featuring songs from our artists Huetensil and Question of Honour. There's also a link in the menu in the upper right. Check back often as we'll be adding more songs as we go!
11/22/20 - Since September Huetensil has been streaming shows live from our YouTube channel every 10 days or so. The next show is scheduled for this Friday, November 27. Details about this show and others can be found on his site.
8/24/20 - Hello! A few new things to let you in on. Huetensil played a show last weekend with O.C.D. Pictures from the show and other details on his site. We've got a new Question of Honour video for your amusement. Check it out up top. And finally there are some QoH pics for you to check out on their site. Happy surfing! :)
5/23/20 - We've got a new video for you. Huetensil with O. C. D. perfoming Stone Sour's Song #3!
5/10/20 - We've got a new video for you. Question of Honour performing their song Please! They've also got a new QoH site!
4/26/20 - We've got a new video for you. Huetensil with O.C.D. performing Ed Sheeran's BLOW!
3/29/20 - Check out the video above of Huetensil performing with his band O.C.D. earlier this month!
2/18/20 - We heard you missed us, we're back! :)
7/29/19 - Huetensil.com and StrangeHues.com have begun their slow climb back from the abyss.
12/11/18 - It has been officially announced that Huetensil has joined the Southern Tier hard rock cover band O.C.D. Nearly simultaneously, he's been tapped to sing the Brian Johnson vocals for the northern Pennsylvania AC/DC tribute band Halfway to Hell.
1/26/16 - We're going to be releasing a new Huetensil single on February 2. It's hitting radio now and already has gone into rotation on several stations! You can preview teasers of the songs on the player above or on Huetensil's web-site.
12/21/15 - Since releasing Huetensil's single Nothin', songs from his album Black & White have been played on well over 100 stations!
10/12/15 - We're going to be releasing a new single featuring Huetensil's song Nothin' on October 20, 2015. The single also includes Question of Honour's song Let's Be Friends. Over 75 radio stations have played songs from Huetensil's album Black & White!
5/16/15 - We're going to be releasing a new single featuring Huetensil's songs Tonight and Executioner's Song on May 19, 2015. Over 60 radio stations have played songs from Huetensil's album Black & White!
3/2/15 - Huetensil's debut album "Black & White" was released today along with the single "Want Too Much / Last Night!" 21 radio stations have already been playing songs from "Black & White!" Check out teasers of the single using the player above and visit the stores that are carrying Black & White!
10/9/14 - You may have noticed a few changes around here. The anniversary of the release of Huetensil's recordings of "Voulez-Vous" and "She's Not There" is coming up at the end of this month. That means that the licenses for the songs are running out. The distributor has begun the process of removing the songs from the different stores where they're available. Get them now while you still can!
12/10/13 - We've got a little news for you. We released a new Huetensil single back on October 31, 2013! It features Huetensil doing his own versions of ABBA's "Voulez-Vous" and The Zombies' "She's Not There." Check them out on the music player above.
These songs have been featured on over 30 stations so far!
4/25/13 - We've got a couple of things that we'd like to let you know about. First, today is the official release date of Huetensil's new E.P., Maybe It's Time! You can listen to the songs and download the E.P. from the music player above.
Second, songs from this E.P. have already been played on over 40 radio and internet stations!
5/10/12 - We just released a new single featuring Question of Honour's songs "Know Go" and "Laughing & Crying." You can check them out using the music player above. "Know Go" is a dark David Bowie inspired tune that has maybe a little Ozzy thrown in. The poppier "Laughing & Crying" is a wistful look to a past relationship.
Voting for the Indaba/Sony Janis Joplin remix contest ended yesterday. Huetensil's "Meltdown" remix of Joplin's song "Move Over" tied for 26th place with two others out of 179 entrants! Thank you to everyone who listened, voted, left comments and especially those who shared it with their friends! Thank you, thank you! :)
2/11/12 - We just released a new single featuring Question of Honour's songs "Addicted" and "I'm Gonna." Check them out using the music player above.
11/11/11 - We've just released a new Huetensil video for his song "Singin' on the Levy!" Visit his site to watch it.
10/13/11 - If you weren't aware, last month a devastating flood hit Broome county, New York. Fortunately, no one was killed, but many people here lost everything.
Fifteen local artists and bands, including Question of Honour, have donated a song to a compilation album called The Raft which has been released through BandCamp.com. The money raised through the sale of this album and the individual songs will be divided between CHOW (Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse) and the Owego Revitalization and Betterment Corporation. The cost of the album is only ten dollars. Support this cause and get some great tunes to boot! Thank you.
9/1/11 - Question of Honour's new single, "I Don't Know," was released today along with the B side "Lost!" The artwork for the single features an homage to Queen's first album.
6/16/11 - Huetensil's new single, Singin' on the Levy, was released today along with the "B side" Or Isn't this a Dream! To get a free copy just go to Huetensil's BandCamp web-page. You'll need to provide a valid e-mail address and postal code which will be added to the Strange Hues mailing list.
In a related story, Huetensil has a new web-site that you can check out. All of his songs are posted there for you to listen to.
6/5/11 - Paul Wisdom, Presenter for British Forces Broadcast Service, aired Question of Honour's song My Apothecary! The BFBS is heard in over 20 countries!
2/23/11 - Question of Honour's new single featuring their songs "My Apothecary" and "Last Prisoner" released today!
All content © 1988 – 2020 Hugh Wygmans